Hi, I'm Yan Sum(Je m'appelle Yan Sum), and I'm a blog reader(stalker), I read Chiara's http://www.theblondesalad.com, Audrey's http://www.audreylim.com, Xiaxue's, my cousin Momoko's http://momoko-sum.blogspot.com and more. I do frequently stroll from blog to blog whenever I'm free; or not, sometimes.
Yes, I do admit, I love looking at pretty ladies, plastic or not, over photoshoped or not, I don't really care, as long as they are pretty in photos :D Sounds like a pervert here, I know.
I used to blog in yanplus.blogspot but no longer because I'm reluctant to update due to lazyness of mine.
The main reason for me to blog again is I wanted to make theflanguage.blospot as my training ground to practice the language. Obviously, as you can see, not many people speak French in the country, out of ten, maybe none, unlike the more popular one like Japanese. The only person that I can speak to will be Momoko(sigh) and the place that I'll use the language most will be in class(sigh).
Besides, I do really want to read the short note Mr Jean(pronounced as John) wrote for me in year 2008 when I worked as his translator in an exhibition. Of course I'm not translating French, pretty easy job, all I need to do is to translate English to Mandarine, some Chinese visitors from China might not understand English.
I do recognize a few word that Mr Jean taught me during our long boring working hours. Ennuyeux = boring ,C'est ennuyeux = it's boring, A bientor = see you soon.
Can't wait for my very first F language class later in the evening :D
Feeling very nervous and excited now. I'm afraid that I'll lose my control and keep laughing in class. Momoko, will we?
Signing off, 1.31am.